Статус сервера: Online Игроков: 31


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Найдено записей: 6491. Страниц: 325. Показаны результаты: 381-400.

ID Название Тип Расположение Покупка Продажа Вес ▼ Атака Защита ▲ Слоты
1467 Bill Guisarme Weapon - Two-Handed Spear Two-Handed 20 10 100 183 0 0
1478 Ahlspiess Weapon - Two-Handed Spear Two-Handed 20 10 100 120 0 0
1483 Ivory Lance Weapon - Two-Handed Spear Two-Handed 20 10 100 160 0 1
1507 Smasher Weapon - Mace Weapon 9,000 4,500 100 54 0 2
1508 Smasher Weapon - Mace Weapon 9,000 4,500 100 54 0 3
1509 Smasher Weapon - Mace Weapon 9,000 4,500 100 54 0 3
1526 Slash Weapon - Mace Weapon 20 10 100 145 0 0
1533 Warrior's Balmung Weapon - Mace Weapon 20 10 100 170 0 0
1551 Bible Weapon - Book Weapon 60,000 30,000 100 115 0 2
1565 Ledger of Death Weapon - Book Weapon 20 10 100 137 0 2
1579 Book of the Dead Weapon - Book Weapon 20 10 100 137 0 2
1617 Survivor's Rod Weapon - Staff Weapon 85,000 42,500 100 50 0 0
1618 Survivor's Rod Weapon - Staff Weapon 85,000 42,500 100 50 0 1
1619 Survivor's Rod Weapon - Staff Weapon 85,000 42,500 100 50 0 0
1620 Survivor's Rod Weapon - Staff Weapon 85,000 42,500 100 50 0 1
1707 Great Bow Weapon - Bow Two-Handed 10,000 5,000 100 50 0 2
1708 Great Bow Weapon - Bow Two-Handed 10,000 5,000 100 50 0 3
1709 Great Bow Weapon - Bow Two-Handed 10,000 5,000 100 50 0 0
1713 Arbalest Weapon - Bow Two-Handed 48,000 24,000 100 90 0 1
1715 Arbalest Weapon - Bow Two-Handed 48,000 24,000 100 90 0 2
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | Вперед >